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Owner blog and redesign: SyirahAisyah


olla best friend!

Salam korang ! semalam, bersamaan dengan 24/4 classmate syirah bermalam sehari dekat rumah syirah. sebab minggu ni semua kopurians wajib balik. sebab dengar kata semua warden ada kursus . aduuu so, her name is anis, my classmate and deskmate. she lives in pahang so thats why dia tumpang kejap. baru je dia balik tadi huhuhu kinda miss her kinda joking lol

taktau pun nak tulis apa cuma excited sebab anis datang rumah. even tho we had done nothing much (serious kitorang makan tido makan tido je) but im glad she was here. till then, bye!
