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hat yai, thailand

HELLO GUYS!!! hahaha so a week after spm result was out, my mom ajak i to go on a vacation!!!! ceh takde lah haha i just join sekolah dia punya lawatan je :p sebab my mom kata dia nak ada orang teman and i dah main paper rock scissor dengan my youngest sis, and i won so we decided to send me there to accompany my mom. so yes we went to HAT YAI, THAILAND! honestly i excited gila sebab this is my first time la keluar malaysia. hahahaha i know i noob gila but heyyyyyy tengok lah bila i kaya nanti i travel semua tempat hehehe

so actually i didnt plan to write everything here sebab entah la i dont think its necessary kot? hahaha takde lah i cuma dah tak ingat dah perasaan excited tu macam mana sebab kan dah lama dah, dah 2 bulan dah berlalu hahahaa tapi takpe lah i'll try my best untuk describe a lil bit of my short getaway ni okays? :)

fyi, kitorang naik bas tau hahaha sedih jugak sikit sebab i nak gak rasa naik plane (yes i tak pernah naik T^T me is freaking sad right now huhu) tapi of course lah it would be very expensive kan so okay lain kali. kitorang gi sana for 3 days 2 nights. hmmmm banyak tempat kitorang pergi as our tour guide tu sangatlah berpengalaman tapi i tak ingat semua la hahahaa yang i ingat kitorang pergi bee hatyai? (tempat madu), masjid songhkla, floating market, hmm tak ingat dah hahahaah

eh by the way, hotel yang kitorang duduk tu best tau sebab kat luar hotel tu macam pasar malam!! sellers tu macam tak tahu erti penat tau sebab pukul 12am pun still beroperasi lagi hahaha tabik ah. yang best nya ais krim uuuu yummy. ais krim dia bessstttt tapi i tak minat sangat kelapa so i rasa je tapi my mom memang suka. dia kata sedap sangat hahaha sooooo kalau korang pergi sana memang wajib makan ais krim tu tau!! kat area depan hotel tu ada jugak shopping mall tapi tak happening sangat la, tapi i masuk gak sebab nak cari kasut hahahaha. 

overall, best sangat pergi sana and i really wish to visit there again!! tapi kali ni tak nak la guna duit parents kannn rasa macam tak malu pulak gi bercuti guna duit mama :( nak kerja pat pat and earn money so that i can tanggung my parents pulak huhu aamiin :)) btw mom if youre reading this, thank you for letting me join you and thank you for things you bought for me!!! especially dekat thailand sebab i serious boros semua benda nak hahahaa love you mumsie <3

so these are a few of pictures that i took. ni random je tau sebab i malas nak scroll banyak banyak hahaha sebab serious banyak sangat gambar :p

so i captured this drink sebab comeell hahaha

this is my mom!!! just wanna tell you guys that my mom accidently left the pink hat at the bee hatyai hahahaha macam mana boleh tertinggal tu sebab macam ni, i sampai sana terus rasa nak gi tandas and my mom accompanied me la masa tu. dia duduk luar je la atas bangku. pastu bila i dah siap tu kitorang pun masuk la dalam satu bilik ni sebab ada macam briefing pasal madu yang dijual kat situ. and masa tu lah my mom tertinggal topi tuuu atas bangkuuu hahahahaha tak sedar punnn bila naik bas baru sedar haih kesian my mom :(( eh tapi lepas tu kitorang gi kedai topi and she bought a new one lol

yups this was us, sitting in the bus and took selfies uwu

this was at the floating market (it was crowded as heckkkk)

yups thats her new hat hahahaha

this was the time yang kitorang tak perasan tertinggal topi and terus masuk bas lepas snap gambar lol

those ice creams tasted sooooooo delicious!! must try!!

this is the mosque, yang masih okay walaupun di bom banyak kali. im not sure kat mana hehehe sorry

yummyyyyyy (my mom had to buy something else sebab nak dapat duit kecik semata mata nak beli ais krim ni for me huhu sebab the seller takde duit banyak nak bagi baki)

so this the central mosque of songkhla. yes we performed our solah here. so pretty tapi tempat perempuan open sangat so macam susah sikit la nak ambil wudhu semua tu 

cute kan!!!!1 ni dekat bee hatyai tu

so this was at the shopping mall depan hotel yang i mentioned earlier

i bought the starlight drink here hehe

so this is all for now. its 11.35pm already hahaha and i think i can only make 2 entries tonight. sorry, till then, bye! xoxo
