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farewell 2018!

waaaaaaa 2018 has really come to an end gais!! time flies way too fast, dont you think? with that, i would like to apologize to each one of you for all my wrongdoings. even though we may not know each other but heyyyyyy we dont need to know someone to say sorry right?

honestly 2018 is a very tough year for me. i had to deal with some fake friends, haters, a few of juniors' ugly behavior and many more hahahahaha but im glad that i could really survive high school, alhamdulillah.

to be honest, high school has taught me a lot of valuable lessons and i will treasure each one of them in my life, insyaallah. in high school, i learnt to be more independent, tougher, braver, trust each other and many more. thats true that there are ups and downs and sometimes i hardly bear them but those things happened to me is to give me lessons so that i wouldnt repeat my mistakes in the future.

i laughed a lot, and cried a lot too. i cracked jokes with my friends so often but we fought at so many times too. i got A consistently in certain subjects but i failed to get A in certain subjects too. i fall in love with a guy but ended up getting hurt too. but all of these help me to always be a better version of myself. and im not regret of whatever desicions i made before.

yet high school also taught me to strengthen the bond between my friends, seniors, teachers and juniors. there are people i dear and dont want to lose. and i really hope that although we are miles apart, we will never forget each one of us. because together we empower our gaber! 

(p/s: ive been keeping this since 29th of december 2018 but now im publishing it on 15th of january 2019. sorry its my bad hehe)
